Sharilyn Kelly, DNP, RN, NE-BC, C-ONQS, RNC-OB
DNP: Southern California CSU DNP Consortium, Long Beach
Master of Science, Nursing & Healthcare Admin: California State University, Long Beach
Bachelor of Science, Nursing: California State University, Long Beach
Improving Perceptions of Maternal Respectful Care Among Black Women
Black women have two to three times the adjusted risk for severe maternal morbidity, with over half of these cases reported as preventable. A lack of respectful maternity care (RMC) may influence this increased risk. RMC is a philosophy that emphasizes the fundamental human rights of birthing women and supports their individual needs and preferences. RMC can help mitigate racial and ethnic outcome disparities by creating psychological safety for the obstetric patient. This quality improvement project aimed to enrich Black women's birthing experience and perceptions of RMC by implementing a patient-centered communication technique based on the 2022 Association of Women's Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses Respectful Maternity Framework and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline recommendations. Perinatal nurses completed education modules regarding RMC at an acute care hospital's Birth Care Center in Southern California. Postpartum patients' perceptions of care before and after the intervention were surveyed prior to discharge. The results were stratified by race and ethnicity, showing limited participation by Black postpartum patients. Despite the small number of participants, RMC may have positively impacted Black patients' perception of respectful maternal care. Future studies with larger samples are needed to confirm RMC as an effective strategy to address perceptions of respectful maternal care among Black women. Additional research is necessary to determine if RMC is an intervention that can mitigate the clinical outcome disparities of Black birthing patients feel respected, honored, and heard.

Team Leader: Melissa Dyo, PhD, RN
Team Member: Margaret Brady, PhD, RN, CPNP-PC

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