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Azucena Becerra, DNP, CRNA
DNP: Southern California CSU DNP Consortium, Kaiser Permanente School of Anesthesia
BSN: California State University, Northridge
Perioperative Vision Loss Following Prone Spine Surgery
Perioperative vision loss (POVL) is a rare and devastating complication following prone spine surgery. POVL often results in permanent bilateral vision loss, diminished quality of life, and significant personal and societal costs. Due to the rare nature of this complication, there is limited research available about patient and surgical factors that increase the risk of POVL. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) scholarly project was to investigate the incidence of POVL and associated patient and surgical risk factors through secondary data analysis of the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database. Significant associations were found between two surgical risk factors, including perioperative blood transfusion (p <.0001) and prolonged operative time (p = 0.003). The results of this study were incorporated into a manuscript submitted for publication. Recommendations for future DNP projects focused on POVL were also provided.
Team Leader: Sarah E. Giron, PhD, CRNA
Team Member(s): Sadeeka Al-Majid, PhD, RN
Group Member(s): Michael Liu, DNP, CRNA and Molly Ronan, DNP, CRNA

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